Skip Navigation Links   Logos and images subject to owner ©2024 : Charity reg, 1149523 : Legal entity, Social Enterprise, reg: 06796387 : CPD (training) accreditation, reg: 22737

Perpetrators and child traffickers exploit social services and legal systems to access and export children

Charity reg: 1149523

Achieving the safest, highest standards and quality of life for disadvantaged children

Our professional, award-winning support services and CPD accredited training courses support limited abilities parents with young children and prevent injustices in Social Care and Family Court proceedings ref: UNCRC, Article 12 children's Rights

We challenge potential 'Conflicts of Interest' ref: Paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 of the ‘Codes’ among professionals and officials with financial interests in fostering and adoption companies, trading abroad (e.g., Rishi Sunak & wife: shareholders)

Any miscarriage of justice in family court proceedings will place children within the highest risk category, and severely damage them with mental, social and physical health problems. Consequently, suicide is now the leading cause of death from ages 5 to 45, in the UK

Co-op website                                   

Returning children to their natural family

We achieve results favourable to children

Reporting the facts:

Fatherless children are multiple times more likely to be victims of abuse (90%) the perpetrators of violent crime and sexual assault (80% of convictions)
Crime and NHS statistics show the worst regions are where antisemitic local authorities, MSM, Politicians, and Courts persecute and punish British Judeo-Christians, removing children from their natural parents, cutting the bonds of love and protection
We show how the safest, happiest and most prosperous communities achieve a far safer, happier and better quality of life

Parenting course to prevent children being mistreated or unlawfully removed
Loving stable relationships with our DV and safeguarding course
Appeal against mishandled Court cases

Preventing social Services corruption and ensuring Courts are better informed

Children are brutally, and savagely assaulted in school, in the streets and 'groomed' by remarkably well-informed gangs

Local, judicial, social, media and government services, have labelled these children racist, far right, slags and chavs 95% of them were in Social Services Care before they were assaulted

Achieving the safest, happiest, highest standards and quality of life for disadvantaged children

Parenting Together is an established, award-winning charity, highly acclaimed and effectively safeguarding children by promoting our traditional celtic culture as practiced today in the safest regions of Britain and Ireland

We work with Solicitors and Experts in children's safeguarding, behaviour, social and emotional problems to provide the following services


Charity reg: 1149523

Most dedicated social services and Family Court support organisation 2024

Parenting Together Ltd provides services to help resolve family disputes in the quickest possible time and at the minimum cost, with low-income concessions and monthly subscription options available to those in need. More about the organisation and its operational model that won the UK Enterprise Awards 2024

Parenting Together Ltd is a non-profit social enterprise company based in Bradford which was established as a registered charity in 2012. The organisation’s expertise lies in safeguarding vulnerable children and young people, dealing with parental alienation and addressing emotional stability. It specialises in assisting limited-ability parents and low-income families who have children involved in family court and social care proceedings to prepare for court hearings, sort their most significant evidence, and to write clear testimonies and court appeals

Subscriptions are monthly Donations

There is no contract or invoicing and they can be cancelled at any time



Charity donations only please

Please select the option for Gift Aid





Parenting Together Charity reg: 1149523 is constituted as a Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise, Organisation (NPO), UK reg: 06796387

We value our independence and integrity, allowing us to work without any Conflict of Interest
We do not receive any financial support from Local Authorities, the Government or our recommended Solicitors
We are supported and financed only by corporate pro-bono, public donations and charitable Trusts
For your protection and ours, you will need an (SRA) Authorised Solicitor to access our services